Participation at BIO-Europe 19

From 11th to 13th of November Plasfer, represented by the CEO Dr. Marco Malvestiti and Atty. Giacomo Rimatori (chief of Legal affairs and negotiations manager), hosted inside the ITA (Italian Trade Agency) exhibition space, took part in BIO-Europe held in Hamburg (Germany), Europe’s largest event serving the global biotechnology industry. The conference is an international forum to promote business development between pharmaceutical, financial and biotechnology companies. At this event leading decision makers of the biotechnology, pharmaceutical and financial industry employed at emerging companies meet annually. The BIO-Europe partnering event drew over 4,350 industry representing more than 2,300 companies from over 60 countries. Plasfer is developing a cell therapy using blood platelets, currently in the pre-clinical stage, it is raising capitals to bring its products to clinical trials.

About Plasfer
Plasfer srl is a pre-clinical stage biopharmaceutical company, based in Umbria (Italy) specialized in the development of a cell-based therapy using platelet concentrate with a proprietary medical technology.

The participation was possible by the financial support of European Union, Regione Umbria and Sviluppumbria spa.

La partecipazione a BIO-EUROPE ad AMBURGO (GERMANIA) il 11-13/11/2019 è stata possibile anche grazie ai contributi POR FESR 2014-2020, Az. 3.3.1 – Avviso Pubblico per progetto di internazionalizzazione 2019-20.